Living arrangements of second generation immigrants in Spain: A cross-classified multilevel analysis

Number: 31
Year: 2010
Author(s): Agnese Vitali, Bruno Arpino
Using a cross-classified multilevel modelling approach, we study the probability  of living outside the parental home for second generation immigrants in Spain, a latest-late transition to adulthood country. We simultaneously take into account two sources of heterogeneity: the country of origin and the province of residence in Spain. Using micro-census data we are able to consider all main immigrant groups. We find that living arrangements vary extremely according to immigrants' origin, although a geographical clustering emerges. The cultural heritage, as represented for example by the mean age at marriage in the country of origin, still plays an important role in shaping second generation immigrants' patterns of co-residence with their parents. Even though the effect of the province of residence is less pronounced, it is not negligible. In particular, the cultural climate of the province, as measured by the proportion of cohabiting couples, is found to be influential for both immigrant and native young adults' living arrangements.

Agnese Vitali

University Bocconi, Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics


Bruno Arpino

University Bocconi, Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics


Keywords: cross-classified multilevel models, living arrangements, second generation immigrants, Spain, young adults


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Keywords: cross-classified multilevel models,living arrangements,second generation immigrants,Spain,young adults