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Population and Social Dynamics

Coordinator: Letizia Mencarini


Population dynamics and health are central pillars of Dondena activities—and have been since the centre was established in 2006. The Unit currently spans population sciences, sociology, social and economic history, historical demography, epidemiology and global health. It hosts several ERC projects, and has taken part in several collaborative FP7 projects in the past. PhD undertakes extensive international research collaboration across the globe. 

Research covers the following areas:

  • Inequality, wealth and income distribution, stratification, and social mobility
  • Economic and social history, and historical demography
  • Epidemiology (disease spread and prevention, social dynamics and epidemics, sexual and reproductive health, and social differentials in health outcomes)
  • Childhood, youth, and the transition to adulthood
  • Forecasting and projections
  • Gender and family demography
  • Culture, institutions, and demographic change
  • Attitudes, social norms, religion, and values
  • Family policy, gender, and wellbeing
  • Global and public health


Please contact Letizia Mencarini for more information on the activities of the PhD unit.