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Alp-Pop 2020

La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy
The 10th Alpine Population Conference

lp-Pop brings together scholars interested in population issues across several disciplines, including demography, economics, epidemiology, political science, sociology and psychology. The conference emphasizes empirical rigor and innovation over a given topic or geographical area, and meets the challenges of interdisciplinary and international audiences.

We welcome submissions on all population issues (e.g. population and health, migration, families and the welfare state; population and economic development/institutions, well-being, etc.). Submissions of original papers or extended abstracts are invited by September 22, 2019. Authors will be notified of acceptance by Mid-October 2019.

Please submit your paper hereYou will be requested to create a free account. Please follow the instructions at the link above.
Inquiries can be addressed via email to:

The confirmed key-note speakers for the 2020 Conference are:
HILARY HOYNES (University of California Berkeley)
JAN VAN BAVEL (University of Leuven)

Alp-Pop scholars confer both formally and informally. A traditional conference program (paper and poster presentations) mixes with group activities in a world-class winter resort. The conference location, the Hotel Planibel in La Thuile (Aosta Valley), is next to the ski-slopes, and is in close proximity to the airports of Geneva and Torino/Milano.

Participants are expected to seek their own funding. Special-rate rooms have been reserved at the conference hotel with arrival on January 19 (conference starts in the afternoon) and departure on January 22 (the conference will end in the late morning). Participants will receive information on how to reach La Thuile and regular updates on the conference organization. Childcare is available upon request. Please send an email to if you intend to bring children along the conference indicating their age.

Organizing committee:Massimo Anelli (Dondena Center for Research on Social Dynamics and Public Policy, Bocconi University), Arnstein Aassve (Dondena Center for Research on Social Dynamics and Public Policy, Bocconi University), Nicoletta Balbo (Dondena Center for Research on Social Dynamics and Public Policy, Bocconi University), Laura Bernardi (Swiss National Center for Competence in Research LIVES, University of Lausanne), Francesco Billari (Dondena Center for Research on Social Dynamics and Public Policy, Bocconi University).