Gabor Scheiring

Gabor Scheiring (PhD, University of Cambridge) is a Marie Curie Fellow at Bocconi University, Milan, researching the social consequences of economic globalisation, the political economy of health and populism. In his doctoral thesis and several related articles, he investigated the impact of deindustrialisation, privatisation and foreign investment on health, using multilevel survival modelling based on a novel dataset encompassing individual, town and company data, as well as qualitative in-depth interviews. As part of his is research on the political economy of populism in Central and Eastern Europe, Dr Scheiring investigates how the global economic transformation paved the way for the illiberal backlash. His book, The Retreat of Liberal Democracy (Palgrave, 2020) analyses the socio-economic roots of illiberal populism in Hungary, with a focus on the role of business elites and working-class neo-nationalism. He served as a member of the Hungarian Parliament between 2010–2014.