Electoral Systems, Taxation and Immigration Policies: Which System Builds a Wall first?
Number: 104
Year: 2017
Author(s): Massimo Morelli, Margherita Negri.
When exposed to similar migration flows, countries with different institutional systems may respond with different levels of openness. We study in particular the different responses determined by different electoral systems. We find that Winner Take All countries would tend to be more open than countries with PR when all other policies are kept constant, but, crucially, if we consider the endogenous differences in redistribution levels across systems, then the openness ranking may switch.
Massimo Morelli
Bocconi University
Margherita Negri University of St. Adrews
Language: English
The paper may be downloaded here.
Keywords: Proportional representation,Median voter,Taxation,Occupational Choice,Migration,Walls.