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Full Professor
David Stuckler is a Full Professor in the department of Social and Political Sciences.
2014 - n° 67
This paper studies a collection of data on economic inequality in fifteen towns in the Southern and Northern Low Countries from the late Middle Ages until the end of the nineteenth century. By using a single and consistent source type and adopting a uniform methodology, it is possible to study levels of urban economic inequality across time and place comparatively. The results indicate a clear growth in economic inequality in the two centuries prior to the industrial revolution and the onset of sustained economic growth per capita. The general occurrence of this rise throughout regions with dissimilar economic trajectories contradicts the existence of a straightforward trade-off between growth and inequality as conjectured by Simon Kuznets (1955). Instead, the results presented lend support to the ‘classical’ economists’ explanation of inequality as the consequence of a changing functional distribution of income favouring capital over labour in the long run.
Keywords: income inequality,pre-industrial,economic growth,super Kuznets curve
2018 - n° 122
Public procurement outcomes depend on the ability of the procuring agency to select well-performing suppliers. Should public administrations be granted more or less discretion in their decision making? Using Italian data on municipal public works tendered in the period 2009-2013, we study how a reform extending the scope of bureaucrat discretion affects supplier selection. We find that the share of contracts awarded to politically connected firms increases while the (ex-ante) labor productivity of the winning firm decreases, thus suggesting a potential misallocation of the public funds. These effects are concentrated among lower quality procuring agencies.
Keywords: discretion,supplier selection,public procurement,transparency,corruption.
2008 - n° 3
This paper presents measures of differential mortality in Italy by educational level. The results refer to the year 2001 because the census is the only source providing data about population by level of education; as to deaths the data are provided by death certificates. As often happens, in order to compute differential mortality using these period frequencies it was necessary to confront problems both in the use of unlinked records and in relation to limitations in statistical documents; that is why we classified the population in only two groups: one with a low level of education and the other with a high level. We used a logit relational method to build life tables according to the levels of education. Particular attention was given to expectation of life at the ages from 35 to 65. At 35 years of age the expectation of life for a person with a low level of education is about 7.5 years less than for a person of a higher level in case of a male, and 6.5 years less in case of a female. The tendency continues, and at the age of 65 the expectation for those with a lower level is one quarter less in case of males and one fifth less in case of females. We found that a linear relationship exists between life expectancy and standardized rates among the Italian provinces; the same relation is also true for the analogous indicators of differential mortality by educational level.
Keywords: differential mortality by educational level,life expectancy,standardized mortality rate,Italy
2017 - n° 101
We investigate the role of individual labor income as a moderator of parental subjective well-being trajectories before and after the first childbirth in Germany, a very low fertility country. Analyzing German Socioeconomic Panel Survey data, we found that income matters negatively for parental subjective well-being after childbirth, though with important differences by education and gender. In particular, among better educated parents, the richer see the arrival of a child more negatively. These findings contribute to the debate on the relationship between income and fertility adding information on how parents perceive the birth of a child beyond the strict financial cost of childbearing and raising. Results are discussed in terms of preferences among different groups of parents, costs of children, and work and family balance. Results are robust to potential endogeneity between income and childbirth, as well as for alternative measures of income.
Keywords: First child,subjective well-being,individual income,Germany