Past Research Grants
Completed Projects
ASL-GE - Social networks for knowledge sharing, 2010
ATIAS - Attitudes Towards Immigration in Ageing Societies, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), 2016-2018
AXA Postdoctoral Fellowship - Adolescent substance assessment of risk factors and existing policies in a comparative perspective, AXA Research Fund 2013-2017
EINITE - Economic Inequality across Italy and Europe, 1300-1800. ERC Starting Grant, 2012-2016.
ELENA - Experimenting flexible Labour tools for Enterprises by engagiNg men And woman, EU 2016-2018, EU 2016-2018
Caleidonet, Bocconi-TILS 2003
Changing social norms in developing countries: The role of the media in Latin America, Inter-American Development Bank 2006-2009
CODEC - Consequences of Demographic Changes, ERC Starting Grant 2008-2013
DECIDE - The impact of DEmographic Changes on Infectious DisEases transmission and control in middle/low income countries, ERC Starting Grant 2012-2017
Fecondità, Genitorialità e Benessere, PRIN 2007-2009
FINRES - Local government Financial Resilience: an international perspective. The cases of Austria, Italy, UK and US, Cima Global 2016-2017
FLUMODCONT, EU FP7 2008-2011
Garantire pari opportunità nella scelta dei percorsi scolastici, Fondazione Cariplo 2016
GGP - Generations and Gender Programme: A European Research Infrastructure on the Causes and Consequences of Demographic Developments, EU 2009-2013
GTP-HWP - Organizational psychology, development, poverty reduction, 2008
HRES - Health Resilience and Economic Shocks: Analysis of Quasi-Natural Experiments Using Multi-Level Modelling, ERC Starting Grant, 2013-2019
LExEM - Laboratory of Excellence for Epidemiology and Modeling (LExEM): Facing the introduction and spread of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) into the territory of the Autonomous Province of Trento, 2013-2017
Measuring Ethnic - Diversity and Cohesion, EU 2005-2008
MicMac - Bridging the micro-macro gap in population forecasting, EU 2005-2009
NetHealth - Immigrants’ social network and the transmission of health-related behaviors and outcomes, Fondazione Cariplo 2017 - 2018
Patrinus - European network for a social and cultural history of baptism and godparenthood
PneumoMOD, World Health Organization 2009
Polymod - Social interaction modelling in view of evaluating health policies concerning vaccine-preventable diseases, EU 2004-2008
REPRO - Reproductive decision-making in a macro-micro perspective, EU 2008-2011
SustainCity - Micro-Simulation for the prospective of Sustainable Cities in Europe, EU 2010-2013
SWELLFER - Subjective Well-Being & Fertility, ERC Starting Grant 2013-2019
The timing of life - European perceptions of the life course and life course planning, European Social Survey and EU 2005-2008
Transitions to adulthood in developed countries, IUSSP 2006-2009
Women Mean Business - Studying the gender balance on the boards of directors of Italian companies, EU 2013-2015